NCERT 10th English Chapter 9 Bholi Question Answer in English Hindi PDF. Footprints Without Feet Solution.
Class : 10th
Subject : English
Chapter : 9. Bholi
Book : 2
Book Name : Footprints without Feet
Content : NCERT Solution
NCERT Solution
Bholi - K.A. Abbas
Read and Find Out
Part I 🔥
1 . Why is Bholi's father worried about her ? ( भोली का पिता उसके बारे में चिन्तत क्यों है ? )
Ans . Bholi's father was a prosperous farmer . He had three sons and four daughters . All of them were healthy and strong , except Bholi . She was a backward child . She badly stammered when she spoke . She had an attack of small pox when she was two years old . It left her face disfigured . So , Bholi's father was worried about her , because she had neither good looks nor intelligence .
2. For what reasons is Bholi sent to school ? ( भोली को किन कारणों से स्कूल भेजा जाता है ? )
Ans . Bholi's father was Numberdar of the village . A primary school for girls was opened in their village . Its opening ceremony was performed by the tehsildar . He asked Ramlal to set an example by sending her daughters to school . Ramlal had to obey his order . In addition to this , Ramlal thought that there was little chance of Bholi's getting married with ugly face and lack of sense . She would be the worry of the teachers at school .
Part II🔥
1. Does Bholi enjoy her first day at school ? ( क्या भोली उसके स्कूल के प्रथम दिन का आनन्द लेती है ? )
Ans . No , Bholi did not enjoy her first day at school . She kept sitting in a corner of the classroom . The lady acher ame and standing by her side asked her name . Bholi could only stammer " Bh - Bho Bho " . Then she began to cry at her inability to utter her full name . The other girls of the class laughed at her . When the school was over , she kept on sobbing . Thus she did not enjoy her first day at school .
2 . Does she find her teacher different from the people at home ? ( क्या उसे उसकी अध्यपिका घर के लोगों से भिन्न लगती है ? )
Ans . Yes , Bholi found her teacher sympathetic and affectionate . She was quite different from the people at home . Her voice was very soothing . She encouraged Bholi that one day she would speak without any stammer . She would be listened to by people with respect.
Part III🔥
1. Why do Bholi's parents accept Bishamber's marriage proposal ? ( भोली के माता - पिता विशम्बर के शादी के प्रस्ताव को क्यों स्वीकार कर लेते हैं ? )
Ans . Bholi's parents thought that no one would ever marry Bholi because she was a backward and ugly girl . Bishamber was a middle aged rich grocer . He was rich . He had a big shop , a house of his own and thousands of rupees in the bank . So when he proposed to marry Bholi , her parents at once accepted his proposal .
2. Why does the marriage not take place ? ( शादी क्यों नहीं हो पाई ? )
Ans . Bishamber was a greedy man . He demanded five thousand rupees as dowry . Bholi's father agreed to it . But Bholi , who was now educated and full of confidence , refused to marry such a mean , greedy and contemptible man as Bishamber . So , the marriage did not take palce .
Think About it🔥
1. Bholi had many apprehensions about going to school . What made her feel that she was to a better place than her home ? ( स्कूल में जाने के बारे में भोली को अनेक चिंताएँ थीं । उसे कैसे महसूस हुआ कि वह अपने घर से अधिक अच्छी जगह पर जा रही थी ? )
Ans . Bholi was frightened when her father took her to school . She did not know what a school was like . Generally Bholi had been neglected at her home . New clothes had never been made for her No one cared to mend or wash her clothes . But when she was taken to school , she was bathed . Oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair . This made Bholi feel that she was going to a better place than her home .
2. How did Bholi's teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life ? ( भोली की अध्यापिका ने भोली की जीवन की धारा को बदलने के लिए क्या महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई ? )
Ans . Bholi was a backward child . Her face was disfigured . She looked ugly . She coud not utter even her name . She stammered badly while speaking . She was neglected by all at her home . When she was sent to school , her teacher came in her life . She was very affectionate and sympathetic . She affectionately encouraged Bholi . She soothed her and assured that one day she would be able to speak without the slightest stammering . She inspired Bholi . She infused in her new hope and new life . She helped her a lot in building great confidence in her . Now she was no longer a dumb cow . She boldly refused to marry Bishamber , because he was mean , greedy and contemptuous . She decided to teach in the same school where she had learnt so much . Thus , the teacher played an important role in Bholi's life .
3. Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match ? Why did she later reject the marriage ? What does this tell us about her ? 2 . 3 . 4 . ( शुरू में भोली एक असमान उम्र के व्यक्ति के साथ शादी के लिए क्यों सहमत हो गई थी ? बाद में उसने शादी से मना क्यों कर दिया ? यह उसके बारे में हमें क्या बताता है ? )
Ans . Bholi agreed to an unequal match because she was an obedient girl . But she rejected the marriage when Bishamber demanded five thousand rupees as dowry . Bholi's father placed his turban at Bishamber's feet . But Bishamber threatened him to go back without marriage . At last , poor father had to fulfil his demand . It was the question of her father's honour . So , she bodly refused to marry a mean , greedy and contemptible man as Bishamber . This tells us that Bholi was confident and brave girl . She can sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of her parents .
4. Bholi's real name is Sulekha . We are told this at the beginning . But only in the last but one paragraph of the story Bholi is called Sulekha again . Why do you think she is called Sulekha at that point in the story ? ( भोली का वास्तविक नाम सुलेखा है । यह हमें कहानी के शुरू में ही बताया जाता है । परन्तु कहानी के अन्त से पहले पैराग्राफ में दुबारा उसे सुलेखा कहा जाता है । आपके विचार से कहानी के उस बिन्दु पर उसे सुलेखा क्यों कहा गया है ? )
Ans . Sulekha was called Bholi since her childhood . Later she became educated and full of confidence 2 at the end . Now she had became mature . She started understanding everything . That is why the author calls her Sulekha to show that she was no longer Bholi - the simpleton.