NCERT 10th English Chapter 10 The Book that Saved the Earth Question Answer In English Hindi Pdf. Footprints Without Feet Solution.

NCERT 10th English Chapter 10 The Book that Saved the Earth Question Answer In English Hindi Pdf. Footprints Without Feet Solution.

Class : 10th
Subject : English
Chapter : 10. The Book that Saved the Earth
Book : 2
Book Name : Footprints without Feet
Content : NCERT Solution

NCERT Solution

The Book that Saved the Earth - Claire Boiko

Table of Content🔥


Read and Find Out

1. Why was the twentieth century called " The Era of the Book ?? ( बीसवीं शताब्दी को ' किताबों का युग ' क्यों कहा गया था ? )

 Ans . Twentieth century was called the era of books because computer had not been so developed at that time . Every subject matter was printed in books and books were very popular among the people .

2. Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty first century ? ( इक्कीसवीं शदी में धरती पर किसने हमला करने की कोशिश की ? ) 

Ans . The Martian tried to invade the earth in the twenty - first century .


Read and Find Out

1. What guesses are made by Think - Tank about books found on earth ? ( पृथ्वी पर मिली किताबों के बारे में Think - Tank क्या अनुमान लगाता है ? ) 

Ans . Think Tank was the ruler of mars . He guessed that the books found on earth might be sandwiches and finally he concluded that there were secret codes in the books . 

Think About it 🔥

1 . Noodle avoids offending Think - Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes . How does he manage to do that ? ( नूडल , Think - Tank को नाराज करने से बचता है लेकिन साथ ही वह उसकी गलतियों को ठीक करता है । वह यह कैसे करता है ? ) 

Ans . Think - Tank is the ruler of the Martians . He considers himself the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe . No one dares to oppose him . Noodle too avoids offending him . But Think - Tank commits mistakes , but noodles corrects his mistakes by making him polite requests . He cleverly tells Thank - Tank that he has a bit of mistake or a cloudly mistake while he has full and clear information about the books found on earth . At this , Think - Tank seeks his advice and corrects himself without getting offended .

 2 . If you were in Noodle's place . How would you handle Think - Tank's mistakes ? ( यदि आप नूडल के स्थान पर होते , तो आप Think - Tank की गलतियों को कैसे हैंडल करते ? )

 Ans . If I were in place of Noodle . I would clearly point out Think - Tank's mistakes . I would correct them by explaining them to him . 

3 . Do you think books are being replaced by the electronic media ? Can we do away with books altogether ? - ( क्या आप सोचते हैं कि किताबों का स्थान इलैक्ट्रोनिक माध्यमों द्वारा लिया जा रहा है ? क्या हम किताबों को पूर्ण रूप से हटा सकते हैं ? )

 Ans . Yes , books are being replaced by the electronic media . Today , computer can store a large number of books and they provide a lot of information . Internet can serve us information about anything only with a click of a button . It is possible that one day electronic media will replace books altogether .

4. Why are books referred to as a man's best companion ? Which is your favourite book and why ? Write a paragraph about your favourite book . ( किताबों को मनुष्य का सबसे अच्छा साथी क्यों कहा जाता है ? आपकी मनपसन्द किताब कौन - सी है ? अपनी मनपसन्द पुस्तक पर एक पैराग्राफ लिखें । ) 

Ans . Books are our best companion . They help us and guide us in our life . They relieve us from our sad thought and comfort us in our sorrows . They entertain us when we feel bored . They save our time from wasting . They stand by us in our joys and sorrows like a true friend . My favourite book is Mahatma Gandhi's autobiograpy " My Experiment with Truth " . The book gives us every sort of information about the Mahatma . In this book , Gandhiji reveals even his secret thoughts and weak point of his character . He does not hesitale to tell everything about his way of thinking . We make the Mahatma's real image . I can never forget the messages given by the Mahatma in his autobiography 


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