NCERT 10th English Chapter 10 The Book that Saved the Earth Question Answer In English Hindi Pdf. Footprints Without Feet Solution.
Class : 10th
Subject : English
Chapter : 10. The Book that Saved the Earth
Book : 2
Book Name : Footprints without Feet
Content : NCERT Solution
NCERT Solution
The Book that Saved the Earth - Claire Boiko
Table of Content🔥
Read and Find Out
1. Why was the twentieth century called " The Era of the Book ?? ( बीसवीं शताब्दी को ' किताबों का युग ' क्यों कहा गया था ? )
Ans . Twentieth century was called the era of books because computer had not been so developed at that time . Every subject matter was printed in books and books were very popular among the people .
2. Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty first century ? ( इक्कीसवीं शदी में धरती पर किसने हमला करने की कोशिश की ? )
Ans . The Martian tried to invade the earth in the twenty - first century .
Read and Find Out
1. What guesses are made by Think - Tank about books found on earth ? ( पृथ्वी पर मिली किताबों के बारे में Think - Tank क्या अनुमान लगाता है ? )
Ans . Think Tank was the ruler of mars . He guessed that the books found on earth might be sandwiches and finally he concluded that there were secret codes in the books .
Think About it 🔥
1 . Noodle avoids offending Think - Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes . How does he manage to do that ? ( नूडल , Think - Tank को नाराज करने से बचता है लेकिन साथ ही वह उसकी गलतियों को ठीक करता है । वह यह कैसे करता है ? )
Ans . Think - Tank is the ruler of the Martians . He considers himself the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe . No one dares to oppose him . Noodle too avoids offending him . But Think - Tank commits mistakes , but noodles corrects his mistakes by making him polite requests . He cleverly tells Thank - Tank that he has a bit of mistake or a cloudly mistake while he has full and clear information about the books found on earth . At this , Think - Tank seeks his advice and corrects himself without getting offended .
2 . If you were in Noodle's place . How would you handle Think - Tank's mistakes ? ( यदि आप नूडल के स्थान पर होते , तो आप Think - Tank की गलतियों को कैसे हैंडल करते ? )
Ans . If I were in place of Noodle . I would clearly point out Think - Tank's mistakes . I would correct them by explaining them to him .
3 . Do you think books are being replaced by the electronic media ? Can we do away with books altogether ? - ( क्या आप सोचते हैं कि किताबों का स्थान इलैक्ट्रोनिक माध्यमों द्वारा लिया जा रहा है ? क्या हम किताबों को पूर्ण रूप से हटा सकते हैं ? )
Ans . Yes , books are being replaced by the electronic media . Today , computer can store a large number of books and they provide a lot of information . Internet can serve us information about anything only with a click of a button . It is possible that one day electronic media will replace books altogether .
4. Why are books referred to as a man's best companion ? Which is your favourite book and why ? Write a paragraph about your favourite book . ( किताबों को मनुष्य का सबसे अच्छा साथी क्यों कहा जाता है ? आपकी मनपसन्द किताब कौन - सी है ? अपनी मनपसन्द पुस्तक पर एक पैराग्राफ लिखें । )
Ans . Books are our best companion . They help us and guide us in our life . They relieve us from our sad thought and comfort us in our sorrows . They entertain us when we feel bored . They save our time from wasting . They stand by us in our joys and sorrows like a true friend . My favourite book is Mahatma Gandhi's autobiograpy " My Experiment with Truth " . The book gives us every sort of information about the Mahatma . In this book , Gandhiji reveals even his secret thoughts and weak point of his character . He does not hesitale to tell everything about his way of thinking . We make the Mahatma's real image . I can never forget the messages given by the Mahatma in his autobiography