NCERT 10th English Chapter 7 The Necklace Question Answer In English Hindi Pdf. Footprints Without Feet Solution.

NCERT 10th English Chapter 7 The Necklace Question Answer In English Hindi Pdf. Footprints Without Feet Solution.

Class : 10th
Subject : English
Chapter : 7. The Necklace
Book : 2
Book Name : Footprints without Feet
Content : NCERT Solution

NCERT Solution

The Necklace - Guy de Maupassant


Read and Find Out

Part I🔥

1 . What kind of a person is Mme . Loisel - why is she always unhappy ? ( मैडम लॉयजेल किस प्रकार की व्यक्ति थी वह हमेशा दुखी क्यों रहती है ? ) 

Ans . Mme . Loisel was a beautiful lady . She thought that she was for riches and ail luxuries of life . But by mistake she had been born in a family of clerks . She had no dowry , no hopes and chance to be married by a rich or distinguished person . Therefore , she was married to a petty clerk in education department . His salary was too meagre to provide Matilda a glamorous life she always dreamed of . 

2. What kind of a person is her husband ? ( उसका पति किस प्रकार का व्यक्ति था ? ) 

Ans . Her husband was a simple clerk . He loved her deeply . He did every possible effort to keep her happy .

Part II🔥

1. What fresh problem now disturbs Mme . Loisel ? ( Mme . Loisel किस नई समस्या से परेशान हो जाती है ? ) 

Ans . Mme . Loisel was invited to a grand party . First , she refused to attend the party.She complained that she had no suitable dress to wear in the ball . Her husband got her a beautiful costly dress . She then complained that she had no jewellery to adorn herself . This was the fresh problem now to disturb her . 

2 . How is the problem solved ? ( इस समस्या का समाधान क्या है ? )

 Ans . The problem of having a jewellery was solved by the suggestion of her husband . He asked her to see Madam Forestier and borrow a jewellery from her.She went to her . She borrowed one of her diamond necklaces to wear in the party .

Part III🔥

1. What do M and Mme Loisel do next ? ( मिस्टर और मिसेज लॉयजेल ने आगे क्या किया ? ) 

Ans . Mme Loisel lost her borrowed diamond necklace in the ball . They searched it everywhere , but to no avail . Finally , they decided to replace the necklace with a new one . 

2. How do they replace the necklace ? ( वे हार के स्थान पर दूसरा हार कैसे देते हैं ? ) 

Ans . They bought a new diamond necklace which looked exactly like the lost one . They borrowed money from lenders at high rates of interest . Thus , they fell in the trap of heavy debt . They led a very hard life ten long years to repay the debts . 

Think About It🔥

1. The course of the Loisels ' life changed due to the necklace . Comment . " ( लॉयजेल परिवार के जीवन की धारा हार के कारण बदल गई टिप्पणी करो । ) 

Ans . Mme . Loisel had borrowed a diamond necklace from her rich friend . Unfortunately , it was lost in the ball . They tried to search it everywhere , but could not find it . Now they had to replace the lost necklace with new one . They saw one such necklace . But it was very costly . They had to buy it for 36,000 francs . They had to borrow money from money - lenders at very very high rates of interest . They fell into heavy debt . Thus , they could replace the borrowed necklace , but it changed the very course of life of the Loisels . Mr. Loisel had to work day and night . Matilda had to do all the household tasks . They shifted to an attic and Matilda had to do washing up , bringing water from the public tap and doing all shoppings . It went on for ten long years . As a result of hard and tedious life , Matilda had lost all her beauty . She began to look a rough woman of a poor household . She now looked ten ye ars older than her age .. 

2 . What was the cause of Matilda's ruin ? How could she have avoided it ? ( मटिल्डा की बर्बादी का क्या कारण था ? वह इसको कैसे टाल सकती थी ? ) 

Ans . Matilda's desire to look like a rich and fashinonable lady was the cause of her ruin . She borrowed a necklace only to show off her beauty in the minister's ball . It was lost and they had to replace it by new one . The new diamond necklace was beyond their reach . It cost them 36,000 francs . They had to spend all their savings and borrowed a lot of money from the money - lenders . As a result , they fell under heavy debt . They could repay it in ten long years . During this period they had to lead a life of hardships and utter poverty.Matlida could have avoided this ruin if she would not have dreamed of a glamorous life . She could have also avoided it , if she had told her friend about the loss of the borrowed necklace . It was because its diamonds were fake . They were not worth over five hundred francs , that would not matter to her rich friend .

3. What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace ? ( क्या होता यदि मटिल्डा अपनी सहेली के सामने यह कबूल कर लेती कि उसने उसका हार खो दिया था ? ) 

Ans . If Matilda had confessed to her friend that she had lost the necklace , she would not mind its loss . It was after all made of fake diamonds . By doing so , Matlida could have saved her life from the ruin .

4. If you were caught in a situation like this , how would you have dealt with it ? ( यदि आप इस स्थिति में फंस जाते तो इसका सामना कैसे करते ? ) 

Ans , I would tell the truth in such situation because it would be the best way .


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